Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Christian Fitness

There is a program that comes on Dish Networks Channel WHTN at 2:00 pm CST. It's called Christian Fitness and it's a really great program. They do some exercises while Christian Music is playing in the background. In the show there is fitness facts,healthy nutrition advice and inspirational scripture. There website is:

The quoted a scripture today
Whosoever calls on the lord shall be saved. Are you a whosoever? Whosoever is anyone not a certain race or a certain denomination. Have a great day!

Posted by ShoZu

1 Comment Luv:

Anonymous said...

I just found this christianfitnesstv
today and I'm impressed. And I caught
it near the end. Does it come on at
the same time every day? I truly like
his exercises and her quotes from the two favorites things to-
gether. Exercising and the word of